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+Demo modules
+## Dependencies :
+This repository relies on Techno-Innov's base elec repository which holds the domotab library.
+It can be cloned from here http://git.techno-innov.fr/?p=elec/base
+ git clone git://git.techno-innov.fr/elec/base
+Refer to the README found in this base repository for more information on how to organise them.
+## Description :
+The demo modules have been designed to allow development of other specific modules and test
+ of various sensors, interfaces and protocols.
+The LPC1224_Breakout has also been used for MiniWorld Lyon on top of application specific
+ carrier boards.
+The "Base_Module" has been created as a base for new modules development. It includes the
+ common parts, and also the USB interface for the USB versions of the modules and the UEXT
+ and eeprom for the UEXT versions of the module.
+The "GPIO_Demo" module has been used as a development platform for the first modules and
+ the different sensors. The pin spacing is chosen to be breadboard friendly, while the board
+ size illustrates the mechanical constraints for UEXT modules for the DTPlug.
+The LPC1224_Full module is a "Break Out" module for the LPC1224 micro-controller.
+The LPC1224_mbed is a test to get a version of the "LPC1224 Braek Out" module with an
+ interface compatible with mbed development platform.