Depending on the version, the module also integrates a TMP101 temparature
-sensor, the usual bi-color led used for status, a RTC quartz, a DC-DC step-up
-for button battery power source support, and extension ports with a set of
-gpio, including ADC, PWM, I2C, SPI, UART and SWD debug port.
-Refer to the RF-Sub1GHz module's reference manual for more information.
+ sensor, a bi-color led used for status, a RTC quartz, a DC-DC step-up for
+ button battery power source support, and extension ports with a set of gpio,
+ including UARTs, ADC, PWM, I2C, SPI, and SWD debug port.
+Refer to the README shipped with the electronics sources or to the RF-Sub1GHz
+ module's reference manual for more information.