It should be used as a base directory to hold our projects, which you should
clone in a sub-directory of your choice. We use names like those in the git
- paths, but any directory name will do the job. If, for example, you're
- interested in our "orangepi", "demo", and "rfsub1g" designs, you should end up
- with something like this :
+ paths, but any directory name will do the job.
+ If, for example, you're interested in our "orangepi", "demo", and "rfsub1g"
+ designs, you should end up with something like this :
- Schemas /
|- Lib
|- Adapters /
|- RF_Sub1GHz /
|- Demo /
Which is made by the succession of these commands :
- git clone git:// Schemas
+ git clone git:// Schemas
mkdir -p Schemas/{Adapters,Modules}
git clone git:// Schemas/Adapters/OrangePi
git clone git:// Schemas/Modules/RF_Sub1GHz
Feel free to use it for your projects, or switch between our libs to KiCaD
libs at your convenience, but we do not provide support for our libraries
or for any incompatibility between our libraries and KiCaD ones.