-mod_gpio_demo is an example code for the development module made by
+This repository provides example code for the development modules made by
-It has support for the LPC1224 as used on this development module, and
-for the peripherals found on the development module (Led, eeprom and
-temperature sensor).
+It has support for the LPC1224 as used on the development modules, and
+for the peripherals found on the development modules (user led, eeprom,
+temperature sensor, CC1101 RF transceiver, ...).
Support for various other cool stuff is added when we play with it.
Example applications are created in the apps directory, with one
Build has been tested using gcc, and only gcc, in the version provided by
-the emdebian project, and a few other binary versions available for
+Debian GNU/Linux distribution, and a few other binary versions available for
download on the Internet, but any ARM gcc toolchain should do.
-In order to get the emdebian ARM gcc cross-toolchain you should add this
-repository to your apt sources :
- deb http://www.emdebian.org/debian/ unstable main
-and then update and install package gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi
-It may be required that you update the alternatives for this compiler, with
-a line like this one :
- update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.7 60
+In order to get the debian ARM gcc cross-toolchain you should install the
+following packaages : gcc-arm-none-eabi, binutils-arm-none-eabi
There's no need for the related libc package here, the libc does not fit
in our micro-controller memory. Instead have a look at the content of the
To flash the binary (the one with .bin) to the LPC Flash you will need the
lpctool package, now packaged for Debian, starting with Jessie, or available
-in our git repository : http://git.techno-innov.fr/lpctools
-Clone using :
- git clone http://gitclone.techno-innov.fr/lpctools
-Then build (make) and use :)
+in our git repository : http://git.techno-innov.fr/lpctools (Clone using :
+git clone http://gitclone.techno-innov.fr/lpctools and then build (make) and
+use :)
Usual command lines :
- ./lpcprog -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -c id
- ./lpcprog -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -c flash app_name.bin
+ lpcprog -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -c id
+ lpcprog -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -c flash app_name.bin
See lpctools readme and lpcprog or isp help (-h) or manpages for more
- GPIO interrupts
+ - RTC (partial)
- External Device drivers
- DHT11 temperatur and Humidity sensor
- CC1101 Sub 1GHz RF Transceiver
- Status led
+ - Epaper display
+- Other
+ - 8x8 font for use with Epaper display
- Deep sleep mode support.
- Test all the GPIO in different modes
- Add support for SDCard over SPI
-- RTC Support
+- Complete RTC Support
- Comparator support
- Watchdog support
- CRC engine support