This module uses the CC1101 transceiver to provide Sub 1GHz Rf connectivity.
-The module also integrates a TMP101 temparature sensor, the usual bi-color led
-used for status, a RTC quartz, a DC-DC step-up for button battery power source
-support, and an extension port with a set of gpio, including ADC (2), PWM (2),
-I2C and SWD debug port.
+Depending on the version, the Sub 1GHz module integrates a TMP101 temparature
+ sensor, a bi-color led used for status, a RTC quartz, a DC-DC step-up for
+ button battery power source support, and an extension port with a set of gpio,
+ including UARTs, ADC, PWM, I2C, SPI, and SWD debug port.
+Refer to the README shipped with the electronics sources or to the RF-Sub1GHz
+ module's reference manual for more information.
+This application relies on a module version which includes a TMP101 sensor, or
+ has one connected to the I2C bus (with I2C address 0x94 (Pin Addr0 (pin5 of
+ tmp101) connected to VCC)
+The application is waiting for data, either from UART0 or from RF.
+Data received on UART0 is sent over RF when a new-line character is received
+ (and line is less than 64 bytes).
+Data received from RF triggers temperature or voltage reading and display if
+ first character (data[2]) is either 'T' or 'V', or nothing in all other cases.
+If compiled with DEBUG set to 1 (default), additionnal inforamtion about
+ transmission or reception is displayed.