descriptionlpctools : ISP support for NXP's LPC microcontrollers
ownerNathael Pajani
last changeThu, 26 May 2022 21:29:55 +0000 (23:29 +0200)
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2022-05-26 Nathael PajaniAdd some more trace. master
2022-05-26 Nathael PajaniFix part ID handling on device identification.
2022-05-26 Nathael PajaniUpdate parts description file
2019-02-16 Nathael PajaniUpdate TODO part of readme
2019-02-16 Nathael PajaniDo not try to read part file for nul part id ...
2019-02-16 Nathael PajaniReplace french "octet" with "byte"
2019-02-16 Nathael PajaniAdd some trace and final completion message
2019-02-16 Nathael PajaniUpdate device table
2019-02-16 Senthil KumaresanAdded support for LPC54114 chipset in lpctools_parts.def
2019-02-16 Nathael PajaniAdd comments to help differentiate the use of serial...
2019-02-16 Nathael PajaniUpdate clean rule in makefile to clean all targets
2019-02-16 Cyprien LaplaceFlush serial port input first
2015-09-14 Cyprien LaplaceFix isp_serial_write() in case of non-complete write
2015-09-14 Cyprien Laplacefix for Mac OS X
2015-03-10 Nathael PajaniMove to version 1.07 v1.07
2015-03-10 Nathael PajaniAdd lpc_binary_check tool
9 years ago v1.07
9 years ago v1.06
9 years ago v1.05 First version for Debian packaging
10 years ago v1.04
10 years ago v1.03
11 years ago v1.0 Version 1.0 - first published version
22 months ago master